If you are a business owner and have yet to file your business income tax return tomorrow is the last day to file extension Form 7004. You have until midnight on March 15th to file for a six-month extension on your business income tax return. Here is what you need to know about filing your business tax extension.
Tomorrow is the Last Day to File a Business Tax Extension
What is Tax Extension IRS Form 7004?
IRS Form 7004 is an automatic extension used to file business tax returns for partnerships, multiple member LLCs, corporations, and s-corporations. When you file for an extension, the IRS will give you an additional six months to file your business tax returns. The deadline for e-filing a tax extension form is the same as the original IRS deadline for the income tax form. However, the extension does not extend the time you have to pay any taxes due to the IRS.
Does IRS Form 7004 Extend the Payment Deadline?
No, the extension only extends the time to file your business’s income tax return. Business owners are required to pay any taxes due to the IRS by the original deadline in order to avoid any penalties. You, the business owner are responsible for calculating the estimated tax amount before completing your tax extension form.
If you are unsure of your tax amount due, we recommend contacting your CPA or other tax professional about your financial records. You can submit your estimated taxes while transmitting your extension form. Payments are accepted by Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) using your checking or savings account information.
What Information Will I Need to File IRS Form 7004?
- Business Name
- Business Address
- EIN (Employer ID Number)
- Applicable Tax Form Number
- Estimated Tax Amount
What Business Form Deadlines Can Be Extended Using IRS Form 7004?
Where Can I E-File IRS Form 7004?
Our sister site, ExpressExtension is an IRS authorized e-file provider of business tax extension forms. Their cloud-based software allows you to E-file form 7004 safely and securely transmit IRS Form 7004 directly to the IRS. It takes less than 10 minutes and you are able to submit tax payments along with your 7004 extension form when you file 7004 online with ExpressExtension.